
Green Belt


Green Belt

germany’s largest biotope association

The history of the inner-German border is closely linked to the history of the Green Belt. It is Germany’s largest biotope network with a length of almost 1400 kilometers and a particularly species-rich flora and fauna.

Key figures:

  • Green Belt Europa: Over 12,500 kilometers
  • Green Belt Germany: 1,393 kilometers
  • Green Belt Thuringia: 763 km (including 590 km of preservedpath and 39 preserved border towers)

Hiking and cycling along the Green Belt

The border museum Schifflersgrund is an ideal starting point for discovering the Green Belt, its history and biodiversity. The German-German cycle path and the European cycle route Veloroute 13 lead directly at the memorial past the memorial.

The 11 km long TOP border hiking trail Schifflersgrund leads as a circular hiking trail through the region. Er provides information on the history of the division of Germany and the landscape and nature in the former border region.

Guided hikes

You would like to visit the region as part of a guidedn Hike discover? You can find all the dates in our event calendar.

Protection, preservation and expansion

Today, numerous stakeholders are working to protect, preserve and expand the Green Belt. A wide range of projects are involved in nature and species conservation, landscape management, the promotion of soft tourism and also projects in the field of remembrance culture. In Thuringia, the Green Belt is managed and maintained by the Thuringia Nature Conservation Foundation.

developed. Local area managers are important contacts for Farmers and project partners.

The Schifflersgrund border museum has also already numerous projects with the foundation. For example, in the the TOP border hiking trail Schifflersgrund, a gateway to the Green Belt and an information film gateway to the Green Belt and an information film that can be seen in our entrance building.

Together for the region

The majority of our memorial site is located in the Eichsfeld Hainich-Werratal Nature Park. The nature park is one of our most important cooperation partners. Together we implement projects – such as the Schifflersgrund border hiking trail, support each other at events and work together in regional networks.

As an award-winning nature park partner, we are committed to regional development together with many other businesses and institutions and also focus on sustainability and environmental protection in our memorial operations.