2024 and 2025 will mark the 35th anniversary of the Peaceful Revolution in the GDR and German reunification. To mark this occasion, the Schifflersgrund Border Museum is now showing the special exhibition “Peaceful Revolution and German Unity Compact”, published by the Bundesstiftung Aufarbeitung. Five panels trace the global historical framework, developments in East Central Europe, the Peaceful Revolution in the GDR, its self-democratization and the path to German unity. Each exhibition panel presents a carefully compiled chronicle comprising 15 to 18 key dates relating to significant events. These dates are explained in concise texts, each illustrated with six to eight photos and geographically located on maps. In addition, audiovisual accompanying material enriches each panel and deepens the visitor’s understanding. Thanks to its creative and appealing design, the exhibition encourages visitors to engage with this important historical topic and makes it accessible and interesting for young people in particular. In cooperation with statista, the sixth panel presents data on young people in a united Germany. The special exhibition can be viewed at the Schifflersgrund Border Museum until March 31, 2025 during the usual opening hours, daily from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.