Here you can find the statutes of the Arbeitskreis Grenzinformation e. V.
Statutes of the Arbeitskreis Grenzinformation e. V., Bad Sooden-Allendorf
1. name
The name of the association is Arbeitskreis Grenzinformation e. V.
2nd seat
The registered office of the association is Bad Sooden-Allendorf; the place of jurisdiction is Eschwege.
3. purpose
The purpose of the association is to show future generations how the German division was overcome and how the two German states were brought together. The association has reconstructed buildings of the former border fortifications and illustrates the overcome division in our region in a permanent exhibition. The association carries out these tasks directly and exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “Tax-privileged purposes of the Tax Code” of 1977. The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes and should not make any profits. Any profit made may only be used for the purposes of the association. The members of the association may not receive any financial benefits or shares in profits from the association’s funds in their capacity as members or honorary functionaries. Reimbursement of expenses for voluntary work is possible. No person may benefit from expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or from disproportionate benefits.
4. register of associations
The Border Information Working Group is to be entered in the register of associations.
5th entry
Natural and legal persons can become members of the association by submitting a written declaration of membership. The Board of Directors decides on the application, in case of doubt the General Meeting. Members should participate in the activities of the association according to their abilities and promote the purpose of the association.
6. resignation
Membership ends by written declaration to the Executive Board (with a notice period of 3 months to December 31 of the year), by exclusion, in the case of legal entities also by their dissolution or by the death of the member. The Executive Board decides on expulsion, in cases of dispute the General Meeting decides by simple majority; the member must be given the opportunity to comment before the decision is made.
7. contributions
An annual membership fee is charged, the amount of which is specified in the rules of procedure. This can be offset against the weekend service to be performed.
8th Executive Board
The General Meeting elects the Executive Board by secret ballot with a simple majority of the votes cast. The Executive Board consists of the 1st and 2nd chairpersons within the meaning of § 26 BGB, the secretary and treasurer and the assessors. Each of the chairpersons is authorized to represent the company alone. At the end of the term of office, which is 3 years, the members of the Executive Board continue to hold office until a proper new election or re-election has taken place. The Board of Directors has the right to hire employees to support its work in managing the Association’s business.
8 a. Advisory Board
The Arbeitskreis Grenzinformation e. V. has an advisory board. The tasks of the advisory board are Supporting and advising the work of the museum.
8 b. Managing Director
The Arbeitskreis Grenzinformation e. V. appoints a Managing Director, who is appointed by the Executive Board and supports the work of the Executive Board in accordance with a schedule of responsibilities.
8 c. Honorary Chairman
The Arbeitskreis Grenzinformation e. V. can appoint an honorary chairman for special merits, who will act in an advisory capacity.
9th General Meeting
The General Meeting takes place at least once a year, or if the interests of the association so require, or if 1/10 of the members request this in writing, stating the reasons.
10. form of appointment of the General Meeting
The General Meeting is convened by written invitation by the 1st Chairman or, if he is unable to do so, by the 2nd Chairman with an agenda. The General Meeting is quorate if the invitation was issued at least 10 days in advance. Voting requires a simple majority of the members present; in the event of a tie, the motion is deemed to have been rejected. Amendments to the Articles of Association are adopted by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.
11. protocol
Minutes must be kept of each General Meeting and signed by the chairman of the meeting and the secretary.
12. dissolution of the association
Dissolution shall be decided by a three-quarters majority of all members at a general meeting. This must be convened with one month’s notice and marked as a dissolution meeting. If the general meeting does not have a quorum, a new invitation and vote shall be issued with a three-quarters majority of the members present. If the association is dissolved or abolished or if its previous statutory purpose ceases to apply, the assets are to be used for tax-privileged purposes. Resolutions on its future use may only be implemented with the approval of the tax office. Established on December 22, 1990
Amended on March 18, 2004
Amended on December 14, 2006
Amended on November 22, 2013